Welcome to CoCo's Lounge.......

Hello Readers…..I welcome you to my blog. Here you read about my thoughts and opinions on different subjects. They will range from love, music, tv, movies, life, etc… Whatever I feel like talking about at that moment. So I hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment and like…..I value your thoughts and opinions as well…..

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ciara New Video: Speechless

I just watched Ciara new video for her next single Speechless.
I liked the message in the song. No so sure that I like her voice on it but I definitly like the lyrics. I think she looks  good in the video, I just wish she hadn't lost so much weight because now (to me) she looks too skinny. Not saying she was fat at first but she had more meat on her bones. But watched the video and be the judge yourself. Anywho Good job Ciara..... Still waiting on Basic Instinct to drop!

click the link above entitled Ciara- Speechless to watch

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rihanna's Album Cover: LOUD

Check out the cover of my girl, Rihanna's album Loud. It is expected to drop in November! I can't wait til it does!! I love her and her face looks flawless in this picture. You Go Girl!!!

Who Was Eliminated Last NIght?

Michael Bolton and Chelsie Hightower was eliminated last night.

I was personally rooting for Chelsie because I loved her on So You Think You Can Dance. But considering who her partner was, I kinda figure she wasnt going to make it far. Better luck next season Cheslie. We still love you!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Rihanna 'What's My Name' Video Shoot

This past weekend my girl, Rihanna was on the set of her new video for 'What's My Name'.... a few pictures for the shoot.......

I Love Her.......

Willow Smith Single: Whip My Hair

For those who don't know on September 9, 2010 Willow Smith got signed to Jay-Z's label Roc Nation.

Willow is the daughter of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, obviously hence the name.

But anyway, her single is called Whip My Hair.

I just listened to it and I have to admit, it's a banger.... The only thing that bothers me is that she is just 9 years old, singing and sounding like that. I'm having a hard time getting past that fact.

But the single is hot and Willow is going to be something else in due time. I can't wait for her album to drop.

Her Myspace Link: www.myspace.com/willowsmith

Bishop Eddie Long Speaks to the Congregation

Bishop Eddie Long, the embattled pastor of New Birth Missionary Church, addressed the growing church sex scandal that threatens to bring down his empire during a roisterous sermon this morning.

“The Bishop,” as he referred to himself, welcomed his church family and “all our other guests.”

“New Birth, we are not alone,” he told his congregation. “We must not forget our strength is not in man — it’s not in Eddie Long — but in the Lord!”

“For the sake of our visitors here today, we’re here every Sunday at 8 and 11,” he said to another round of applause.

Long then thanked his long suffering wife and their four grown children for their strength and support.

“I have never, ever portrayed myself as perfect, but I am not the person that they are portraying in the media! I’m not that. I’m not that,” he said.

“Out of advice of my lawyers… I am not gonna allow myself to be drawn into the court of public opinion. Because one day every knee got to bow, and every tongue got to confess, and everybody’s gotta give an account for themselves!,” he said. “I only, and my only hope is, is in the hands of the Lord, and my justice is to be given to me in a fair court of justice,” he stammered.

“As you know there have been accusations and attacks made against me, and I am going to vigorously fight all of ‘em!,” he told the parishioners as they stood and cheered. “I feel like Goliath — David, rather — facing Goliath. There’s a giant in front of me. But I am going to fight, and I’m gonna fight vigorously! And I got five rocks and I haven’t thrown one yet!,” said Long as he lay down his mic and strode off the podium to thunderous applause.

Not once did he deny the charges in lawsuits brought against him by 4 former Longfellow Academy students who accuse Long of coercion by plying them with cash, cars, gifts and exotic trips in return for sex..

Afterwards, Long held a press conference but he didn’t take any questions from the media.

The bishop’s  wife, Vanessa Long, accompanied him to the pulpit Sunday.
and for those that don't know, a fourth man have come forth with the same accusations....

Beyonce's Deréon Fall Photo Shoot

“With a Sixties-pinup-girl meets-futuristic-biker-chick theme, BeyoncĂ© and I really wanted to give our DerĂ©on fall 2010 campaign a tough edginess. We decided to invite Temptu to help us create custom body art for her to model with our fashions. The resulting images were so strong that we realized consumers might want to re-create the tattoos themselves.” –Tina Knowles

Ne-Yo on the Cover of Jet

I'm really not feeling the picture. I have seen better pictures on Ne-yo! Normally, he has on a shirt and tie combo but this sweater and hat is HORRIBLE......

I'm a Ne-yo fan, so either way I'm going to buy it and see what his interview is about....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bishop Eddie Long Cell phone Pics and the 3 Men

He sure doesnt look like a bishop in these photos!!!!

The Three Men Accusing Bishop Eddie Long .........

and these young men aren't ugly......

Third Man Comes Forward......

I didnt get a chance to post this yesterday.......

A thrid man comes forward on Bishop Eddie Long.

I wasn't shocked!! I'm sure a few more may come forward.... anyway here's the story

A third lawsuit has been against Bishop Eddie Long, alleging he coerced a man to have sex with him, the plaintiff’s attorney told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

The third suit was filed Wednesday afternoon in DeKalb County Superior Court, said a spokeswoman for attorney B.J. Bernstein.Larry

Long was not immediately available Wednesday, but is holding a news conference Thursday morning.
Reaction to the lawsuits alleging sexual coercion against Bishop Eddie Long reverberated both locally and nationally Wednesday morning.

CNN and Good Morning America both ran pieces on the lawsuits, as did the local TV news shows.

It was a major topic on local urban-themed radio stations. On the “Frank and Wanda Morning Show” on V-103, host Frank Ski held off on discussing the lawsuits until after 8 o’clock because, he said, “we’re going to get the kids off to school” first.

Ski is a 12-year member of Long’s New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia. In an interview with the AJC, Ski said his reaction is one of “extreme support.”

“It’s difficult for me because Bishop Long and I are very close,” he said. “I’m one of these people who’s really old school. When you’re a friend and I support you, I support you. Right now it’s allegations.”

Two men, ages 20 and 21, filed lawsuits in DeKalb County alleging Long coerced them into having sex in exchange for trips, cars and cash.

The plaintiffs say Long began having inappropriate relations with them when they were 16. They are seeking a trial by jury and unspecified damages.

Long adamantly denies the allegations.

Ski said the reaction he’s heard from fellow church members has been disbelief of the claims. But the reaction Ski’s gotten from the public at large has been far more mixed. “It’s going to cause a lot of destruction in our community,” a caller told Ski. “I just hope it’s not true.”

Across the radio dial on Kiss 104.1, Roland Martin interviewed the plaintiff’s attorney, B.J. Bernstein, on the nationally syndicated “Tom Joyner Morning Show.”

Bernstein said that when she first got a phone call from one the alleged victims, “the chills went down my spine because I immediately knew the seriousness…and I knew the stature of Bishop Long in this community and across this nation. I got the boys in and spoke with them and that’s when I knew that I had no choice but to get involved. I was shaken by the seriousness of these allegations.”

Bernstein told Martin that she would be subpoenaing Long’s phone, e-mail and travel records as the case moves forward.

“To say to the world as a young man that you had that happen[to you], the ridicule and scorn that these young men are willing to put themselves through for the truth, is extraordinary,” Bernstein said.

She said that last May, one of the plaintiffs approached Long for counseling after his best friend died. “Instead, the bishop makes a move on him.”

Martin said he would be talking with a spokesperson for Long on Thursday morning, and attempted to set up an interview with Long.

Afterward, Joyner said if that he were Long, he would be immediately making radio appearances to try and clear his name. “I would have beat me to work,” Joyner said. “I would have been in my studio before I got here.”

Church spokesman Art Franklin did phone interviews with CNN and the “Frank and Wanda Morning Show.” He strongly denied the allegations but declined to get specific when pressed, saying the lawyers had yet to look at the full lawsuits. “It’s really unfortunate these two men have decided to take this course of action,” Franklin told Ski. “The plaintiffs, these are not innocent victims. …I just caution people to consider the sources and their motives.”

On CNN, Franklin said the plaintiffs were motived by “retaliation” and called it “a shakedown for money.

One plaintiff, 20-year-old Maurice Robinson, was arrested in June in connection with a burglary at the church. The allegations also were a hot topic on the Internet.

Among trending topics on Twitter, Bishop Eddie Long was No. 1 in the Atlanta area Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. The website for Long’s church, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church — www.newbirth.org — has been inaccessible since the story broke Tuesday evening. The reason for the site’s problems were not immediately known.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Keri Hilson- Breaking Point video

I love the song because I can relate to it and I'm feeling the video... Click the link to watch it!

Bishop Eddie Long Accused of Sexual Coercion

I was wondering why people were going in on twitter about Bishop Eddie Long, so I then did a little of research and this why........

Two Georgia men have filed a lawsuit claiming that prominent Atlanta, Georgia, pastor Eddie Long coerced them into sex.

The suits, filed Tuesday in DeKalb County, Georgia, allege that Long used his position as a spiritual authority and bishop to coerce young male members and employees of his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church into sex.

“Defendant Long has a pattern and practice of singling out a select group of young male church members and using his authority as Bishop over them to ultimately bring them to a point of engaging in a sexual relationship,” the suits allege.

Long is considered one of the nation’s top black preachers. His church has more 25,000 members, according to the suit, and was the site of Coretta Scott King’s 2006 funeral, attended by then-President George W. Bush and three previous presidents. King was the widow of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

The pastor took one plaintiff, Anthony Flagg, 21, on overnight trips to a half-dozen American cities in recent years, Flagg’s suit alleges.

“Long shared a bedroom and engaged in intimate sexual contact with plaintiff Flagg including kissing, massaging, masturbating of plaintiff Flagg by defendant Long and oral sexual contact,” the suit says.

Long took the other plaintiff, Maurice Murray Robinson, 20, to Auckland, New Zealand, in October 2008 for his 18th birthday and engaged in oral sex with him, Robinson’s suit alleges.

“Following the New Zealand Trip, Defendant Long regularly engaged in sexual touching, and other sexual acts with Plaintiff Robinson,” Robinson’s suit alleges.

Long spokesman Art Franklin said Tuesday that “we categorically deny the allegations.”

“It is very unfortunate that someone has taken this course of action,” he said. “Our law firm will be able to respond once attorneys have had an opportunity to review the lawsuit.”

Long frequently denounces homosexual behavior. A 2007 article in the Southern Poverty Law Center’s magazine called him “one of the most virulently homophobic black leaders in the religiously based anti-gay movement.”

“Everybody knows that a bishop or church pastor … cannot have any sort of sexual relations or sexual relationship with one of your parishioners,” the lawyer, B.J. Bernstein, said at a news conference Tuesday evening. “And even worse to have it with two young men who trusted him and got to know him at a very young age.”

Bernstein said she has alerted federal authorities about the allegations.

In June, Robinson was arrested and charged with burglary in connection with a break-in to Long’s office. An iPhone, iPad and other items — more than $1,300 worth — were taken from the office, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

On Tuesday, Bernstein said the theft was Robinson’s attempt to retaliate against the pastor. She said that once Robinson began telling others about his experience with Long, “he realized he wasn’t the only one.”

“It made [Robinson] angry,” she said. Both plaintiffs said the pastor, his church and church employees gave them cash and lavish gifts that ranged from cars to college tuition. The suits also said that Long framed the sexual relationships as religious in nature.
The suits allege that Long chose the plaintiffs to be his “Spiritual Sons,” a program that allegedly includes other young men from the church.

Flagg moved into a home owned by another New Birth pastor when he was a high school junior, according to the suit, where Long would sometimes share a bed with him. Flagg was eventually put on the church’s payroll, his suit alleges, with Long personally delivering his checks.

Flagg’s suit says that Long presided over a spiritual “covenant” ceremony between the two of them.

“It was essentially a marriage ceremony, with candles, exchange of jewelry, and biblical quotes,” Bernstein said Tuesday. “The bishop [told] him I will always have your back and you will always have mine.”

Robinson’s suit alleges that “Defendant Long would use Holy Scripture to discuss and justify the intimate relationship between himself and Plaintiff Robinson.”

The suits are seeking unspecified amounts of punitive damages from Long on various counts, ranging from negligence to breach of fiduciary duty.
Noooooo!!! Not the Pastor....... !!!
He is messing it up for the real pastors out there, that actually are doing the will of God...

Who was eliminated first?

Eliminated first from the 11th season of Dancing With The Stars was David Hasselhoff and his partner, Kym Johnson

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Season Premiere of DWTS

The 11th Season Of Dancing with the Star premiered last night.

The Judges Scores:

Jennifer Grey & Derek Hough – 24
Brandy & Maksim Chmerkovskiy – 23
Kyle Massey & Lacey Schwimmer – 23
Rick Fox & Cheryl Burke – 22
Audrina Patridge & Tony Dovolani – 19
Kurt Warner & Anna Trebunskava – 19
Florence Henderson & Corky Ballas – 18
Bristol Palin & Mark Ballas – 18
Michael Bolton & Cheslie Hightower – 16
Margaret Cho & Louis Van Amstel – 15
Mike Sorrentino & Karina Smirnoff – 15
David Hasselhoff & Kym Johnson – 15

Of course I kinda figured Jennifer and Brandy would do well...that's who I have my money on this season. Kyle shocked everyone because he danced better than everyone thought he would..... My guy, Rick Fox, isn't far behind..

But who will be eliminated tonight?
Turn in and find out or just check my blog later on tonight to find out who....

Dancing With The Stars Line- Up

The New Cast of Dancing With The Stars 11th Season

Audrina Patridge
Bristol Palin
David Hasselhoff
Florence Henderson
Jennifer Grey
Kurt Warner
Kyle Massey
Margaret Cho
Michael Bolton
Mike Sorrentino
Rick Fox
Based upon the line-up for this season, I'm rooting for Jennifer Grey, I loved her in Dirty Dancing, and Brandy,I love her music, for the women. I'm rooting for Rick Fox for the men..... I am really anticipating this season....

Bruno Mars Arrested

Singer-songwriter Bruno Mars was found with a bag of cocaine in the bathroom of the Las Vegas Hard Rock Hotel & Casino over the weekend, say police.

He was arrested Sunday after being detained by hotel security. He was booked into county jail on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance. He was allegedly carrying 2.6 grams of cocaine. Formal charges have not yet been filed, but he is due back in court on November 18. 

According to the arrest report obtained by TMZ, Bruno entered a bathroom stall with a bag of a white, powdery substance.

After taking what seemed like an unusually long time, the bathroom attendant alerted a security guard who confronted Bruno as he exited the stall, says the report. When asked to handover any narcotics he may have had, the report says that Bruno pulled the bagged substance from his jeans pocket.
It later tested positive as cocaine.

Bruno faces possible felony charges.

Damn Bruno!!! I love your music and your voice, I'm just trying to figure out why you would do something like this? I thought you were smarter than this.... but I guess it comes with being famous!

Fantasia For Real (Review)

Fantasia's reality show, Fantasia For Real, premiered this past Sunday on VH1.

 The show begins in Atlanta in the diva's mansion. Fantasia is shooting pool and talking about how much of her family has their own homes. The singer shows fans how her home remodeling job is coming along, part of her taking charge of her life. She then gets ready to promote her third album Back to Me by doing a photo shoot, which could help her make comeback from a disappointing second album. She's also told that she'll be performing in London.

Aunt Bunny comes by for a visit to settle some family business face to face over rumors she heard on the internet. After some pleasantries, Aunt Bunny notices a lot of poles in the mansion, which alarms Fantasia's aunt, but the singer tells Bunny it's for exercise. Later, the singer is informed that low ticket sales are threatening the trip to London (only 300 to start).

Then Fantasia is confronted about her personal life....

Later, Aunt Bunny leads the confrontation with Fantasia about allegedly dating a married man, reported through various media outlets. Fantasia is uncomfortable  talking about it even though she acknowledges as "a friend." Her two family members are against her dating a married man no matter the circumstances.

"Teeny", Fantasia's brother, gets a visit from Aunt Bunny to see how he's keeping the house he's got, and he admits to not having a job. The singer readies for her trip to London, and tells her family goodbye. Fearing that the London show won't have a good crowd, we then see the diva in a state of anxiousness. But her fears are unfounded, as the show draws well and she performs well, while even getting up close and personal with some fans in the front aisles over her song from Back to Me called Even Angels.

My opinion:

 For the first episode of the season, I enjoyed it, especially the confrontation part.... I loved it cause she flat foot lied to her mom and aunt about her relationship with Cook.....On National TV!!!
I will definitely be watching next week....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Rihanna's New Single: Only Girl (In The World)

Rihanna's New Single of her upcoming album is Only Girl (In TheWorld)

Listed below is her myspace link and the lyrics....

I personally love it but listen for yourself.....


Only Girl ( In The World) Lyrics
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la

I want you to love me, like I'm a hot guy
Keep thinkin' of me, doin' what you like
So boy forget about the world cuz it's gon' be me and you tonight
I wanna make your bed for ya, then imma make you swallow your pride

Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only girl in the world...
Like I'm the only one that's in command
Cuz I'm the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man
Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only one...

Want you to take me like a thief in the night
Hold me like a pillow, make me feel right
Baby I'll tell you all my secrets that I'm keepin', you can come inside
And when you enter, you ain't leavin', be my prisoner for the night

Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only girl in the world...
Like I'm the only one that's in command
Cuz I'm the only one who understands, like I'm the only one who knows your heart, only one...

Take me for a ride
Oh baby, take me high
Let me make you first
Oh make it last all night
Take me for a ride
Oh baby, take me high
Let me make you first
Make it last all night

Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only girl in the world...
Like I'm the only one that's in command
Cuz I'm the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man
Only girl in the world...
Girl in the world...
Only girl in the world...
Girl in the world...

On the set of Flo-rida's New Video

On the set of Flo-rida's new video. He shot it in Miami yesterday. I heard someone say the video vixens look low budgeted. Hmmm... I totally agree, they do; from their makeup to the tattoos...

Check out the pictures below and give your opinion...

You coulda got some better video vixens Flo but whatever floats yo boat......

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monica Responds to fanMail:A Mother's love

I was checking out sandrarose.com this morning and came across an email a fan posted about Monica.

Reader Sam Hope writes*:
Hello Sandra,
This email is in response to your post regarding Jennifer Hudson; yes she seems like a wonderful Mother and you’re right about LaLa who is hardly ever seen with her son. However, Solange is a great mother to be so young, but please add Monica to your list of mothers who need to be more like Jennifer. Instead of Monica “Vacationing” or better yet, being a hood rat, she should be looking after her TWO KIDS.
Is she coming out with an album or a reality show soon because she’s on the blogs way to much just because she’s dating (and when I say dating, I mean screwing) a basketball player? Lets be real, Shannon is a professional basketball player that is trying to get his brand out there. He wants a shoe [contract] and a fan base like LeBron and Kobe, so why not screw a singer to get the attention he needs. However, if you ask me, he could have used a better known celeb to do that.
Take Care Love your Blog………
Sandra's response:
Hi Sam, I posted your email. Please check my blog to see how many of my readers disagree with you. There can be no doubt that Monica takes very good care of her two boys. Have a good day.
Sandra Rose

So Monica gets word of this and tweets her response:

My opinion:
     Monica is a great mother. She loves her kids, they are her motivation behind everything she does. Everything she is doing or has done is for them. After reading the email, it left me wondering what was his purpose in sending the email?

 And comparing her to Jennifer Hudson was out of order. Monica is on a whole different callibar than her and she is far from being a hoodrat. And I personally thinks that if she was to vacation or do whatever, its her business and she deserves to considering all she has been through. And if she wants to blog, tweet, or facebook about her relationship, she can because thats her business.

 As a fan, I'm happy to see her happy with Shannon, she deserves it. It is so much more than him trying to make a name for himself or get his brand out there when it comes to dating her...

So Haters, Keep Hating and Monica keep up the good work... 

Breaking Point by Keri Hilson (new single)

Keri Hilson New Single Breaking Point (produced by Timberland)

I have been waiting on her to drop something that wasn't a colab with another artist and here it is.
I like the song because I can relate to the song. It is very true what she is saying in the song. Every woman (and man) had a limit to the s*** they will take and tollerate. We all have a breaking point.....

Listed below is her myspace link and the lyrics...Check it out


Breaking Point Lyrics
Every woman, yeah
Every woman
Gotta limit yeah
Sang with me girl

Ladies, have you ever had a man who push you when you low
You wanna stay out at night, and don’t care how you feel
Instead of manin’ up, oh I said ooooooooooooo
I-I can’t concentrate, you so petty you
You stay touchin’ my last nerve, my friends say what’s wrong with you girl
I guess, what I’m really tryna to say is

Every woman has a breaking point ya’ll (breaking point)
Hey, I know you know, some women can be lied to
And cheated on, and beated on
Somebody know, heeeeeeyyyyy
Every woman has a breaking point ya’ll (breaking point)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, tell me why we put up with that
You can’t forget that, see I done did that
But this time, there’s a limit to my love
(There’s a limit, there’s a limit…there’s a limit, there’s a limit)
There’s a limit to my love
(There’s a limit, there’s a limit…there’s a limit, there’s a limit)
Now listen here

Now baby, don’t push me cuz I’m close to the edge
Today your baby momma called, said she boxin’ up yo sh!t (yo sh!t)
When you barely pleasin’ me, how you gon take care of yo kids
Now I gotta contemplate, I hate to say it but I wanted your last name
My momma said what’s wrong with you girl

Every woman has a breaking point ya’ll (breaking point)
(And I’m almost there I swear)
Hey, I know you know, some women can be lied to
And cheated on, and beated on
Somebody know, heeeeeeyyyyy
Every woman has a breaking point ya’ll (breaking point)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, some women let you keep em in check
Constantly disrespect, then show no regret
(Around here honey) there’s a limit to my love
(There’s a limit, there’s a limit…there’s a limit, there’s a limit)
There’s a limit to my love
(There’s a limit, there’s a limit…there’s a limit, there’s a limit)

Now ladies, we really should be mad at ourselves
Cuz see, some women just tolerate way too damn much
Now I know we gotta choose our battles
But damn it, every woman gotta breaking point
And see the next time he’s testin’ yo love
You put your finger in his face and you tell him

Say my love has a limit (say my love has a limit)
Say my love has a limit (say my love has a limit)
Said if your love has a limit, girl (said if your love has a limit)
Say my love has a limit, yeah (say my love has a limit)

Say my love has a limit (my love has a limit)
Say my love has a limit (my love has a limit)
Said if your love has a limit, girl
Say my love has a limit now

Every woman has a breaking point ya’ll (breaking point)
Hey, I know you know, some women can be lied to
And cheated on, and beated on
Somebody know, heeeeeeyyyyy
Every woman has a breaking point ya’ll (breaking point)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, if you feel me put your hands up
If he ain’t man enough, girl if you had enough
Tell him, there’s a limit to my love
(There’s a limit, there’s a limit…there’s a limit, there’s a limit)
There’s a limit to my love
(There’s a limit, there’s a limit…there’s a limit, there’s a limit)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How to Eat Fruit or WHEN TO Eat FRUIT

We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It's not as easy as you think. It's important to know how and when to eat.

What is the correct way of eating fruits?


If you eat fruit like that, it will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.

FRUIT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD. Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so.

In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil..... 

So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals! You have heard people complaining €” every time I eat watermelon I burp, when I eat durian my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel like running to the toilet, etc ” actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat! 

Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes all these will NOT happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach.

There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon are acidic, because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter. If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight. 

When you need to drink fruit juice - drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans. Don't even drink juice that has been heated up. Don't eat cooked fruits because you don't get the nutrients at all. You only get to taste. Cooking destroys all the vitamins.
But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it. You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look! 

KIWI: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E & fiber.. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

APPLE: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Although an apple has a low vitamin C content, it has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack & stroke.

STRAWBERRY: Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits & protect the body from cancer-causing, blood vessel-clogging free radicals. 

ORANGE : Sweetest medicine. Taking 2-4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessens the risk of colon cancer. 

WATERMELON: Coolest thirst quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione, which helps boost our immune system. They are also a key source of lycopene the cancer fighting oxidant. Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C & Potassium. 

GUAVA & PAPAYA: Top awards for vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene; this is good for your eyes. 

Drinking Cold water after a meal = Cancer! Can you believe this?? For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal. 

Read this....It could save your life!! It surely saved mine...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Passion, Pain, Pleasure Review

Track Listings:
1. Here We Go Again Intro
2. Love Faces
3. Massage
4. Alone
5. Bottoms Up (feat. Nicki Minaj)
6. Pain Interlude
7. Can't Be Friends
8. Please Return My Call
9. Made To Be Together
10. Pleasure Interlude
11. Red Lipstick
12. Unusual (feat. Drake)
13. Doorbell
14. Passion Interlude
15. Unfortunate
16. Blind
17. You Trust Need Me

'While the words Passion, Pain and Pleasure immediately invoke sexual thoughts, for me they have become somewhat of a personal mantra because they so accurately describe this time in my life,' says Trey Songz. 'The passion I have for my art fuels my drive and work ethic, while the sacrifice of my personal life to benefit my career will always be a source of pain. The pleasure that I derive from my work and my accomplishments make everything worth it. When I began conceptualizing the new album, these three words stuck in my head. They completely infiltrated my creative process, so it was inevitable that they became the album title.'

'PASSION, PAIN & PLEASURE' is Songz' hugely anticipated follow-up to 2009s RIAA gold-certified smash, 'READY.' From the bouncy first single, 'Bottoms Up (Feat. Nicki Minaj)' to the driving, rock-infused 'Blind,' the new album sees the Virginia-based R&B superstar energized and evolving as he continues to refine his mastery of of sultry, soulful song-craft.

'This album is a step closer to me recording without inhibitions,' says Songz. 'It embodies the best parts of 'READY' with the heart of 'ANTICIPATION' and the originality of 'I GOTTA MAKE IT.'' 

'This is the album where I talk to the people who think all I can sing about is sex,' says Songz. 'I take a step further out of that realm, although I do keep one foot in.' 

'I've had three albums before this, but only one was really a hit,' he says. 'This album will show that I'm not going anywhere.'

My Review:

  This album is quite different than his other albums. I love his pervious 3 albums but this one has left me kinda confused. Because I love Trey, I love whatever he puts out... I'm a true fan and I support him to the fullest. But lets dissect the album...

 Some tracks I loved and others I was wondering what was his producers thinking...
 Tracks I love: 2, 3, 4, 5, & 7.... 
Love Faces has kinda a R. Kelly feel to it.
I remember him performing Massage at the Passion, Pain, Pleasure concert, where he actually gave a young lady a massage on the stage(Boy how i wish I was her).  
Of course, I love Bottoms Up and Can't Be Friends, which are his radio singles. 

 As far as the rest of the cd: I love the hook/chorus on Made To Be Together. 
Tracks/beats I love: Unusual, Unfortunate and You Just Need Me. 
Doorbell track kinda reminded me of J. Holiday song Bed.
Red Lipstick was different for Trey Songz. 
I really didn't like Blind or his 3 interludes.

 So the over grade, I give it a C+.
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